Happy Birthday, Nelson Mandela. Happy Nelson Mandela Day, World.

Ninety-five year old Nelson Mandela is near the end of his life.  One of apartheid’s greatest enemies, Mandela spent twenty-seven years of a life-sentence in prison for his activism. Released in 1990, Mandela  became the first Black South African President in the first of his countries multi-ethnic elections. Undoubtedly, he is a leader among men. But we’re facing an ominous truth: his health is failing. And, with bated breath,  the world watches while he’s under constant medical care in South Africa. 

Today we turn our attention away from the inevitable to celebrate Nelson Mandela’s birthday. Madiba, as he is affectionately called, turns 95 today. His life and work are  recognized internationally on July 18th every year, for Mandela Day – a time to trumpet Mandela’s achievements and honor his ongoing legacy through activism and volunteer service. Bob talks to the South African Ambassador to the United States Ebrahim Rasool about Mandela, and the day the world celebrates his legacy.  

— Kimberly Dawson

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