This Weekend’s Program


Bob Edwards Weekend, March 10-11, 2012



Los Angeles Times columnist Doyle McManus joins Bob to discuss the latest political news including Super Tuesday results and the possibility of a contested convention this year for the Republican party.

Pulitzer Prize winner Chris Hedges was a foreign correspondent for The New York Times for fifteen years until he was reprimanded for denouncing President George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq.  Now he’s a columnist for Truthdig, senior fellow at The Nation Institute, and has taught at Columbia, New York and Princeton universities.  In his most recent book, The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress, Hedges warns, “Brace yourself.  The American Empire is over. And the descent is going to be horrifying.”

In this week’s installment of our ongoing series This I Believe, we hear the essay of michael taylor.  In an age of Facebook friends and Twitter followers, many people behave like they are the stars of their own reality TV shows, often imitating the actions of pop culture celebrities.  taylor doesn’t look for role models on TV or the movies. His heroine is his mother, who never gave an inch in the face of life’s unforgiving challenges.



Opposition research, “oppo” to insiders, has become a standard part of the political campaign process … and the slimiest. In politics, finding the dirt on a candidate is multi-million dollar business, and Alan Huffman has made his fair share of the money after nearly two decades as an opposition researcher. The former journalist has recently co-authored a book about how the process works. It’s titled We’re With Nobody: Two Insiders Reveal the Dark Side of American Politics

Bob talks with musician Andrew Bird about his new CD called Break It Yourself. Primarily known as a violinist, Bird has been playing since he was four, and collaborated with the Squirrel Nut Zippers during their later recordings.

Bob Edwards Weekend is heard on Sirius XM Public Radio (XM 121, Sirius 205) on Saturdays from 8-10 AM EST.

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