The Lost Honey Bees

by Ariana Pekary, producer

Filmmaker Taggart Siegel made the documentary The Real Dirt on Farmer John featuring the unconventional character John Peterson who revived his family farm in Northern Illinois by establishing a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture). With his most recent film, he’s found more interesting folks who also have made sustainability their concern. The documentary, Queen of the Sun: What are the bees telling us?, dissects the potential “Colony Collapse Disorder,” and what that could mean for our plants and crops. Siegel talks about why bees are disappearing in mass numbers with no clear explanation: the queen is there, the honey is there, but the bees are gone.

To find a show time near you, visit the film’s website.

One Reply to “The Lost Honey Bees”

  1. Great post! Love it! You can also check out my article on Colony Collapse Disorder at 🙂

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