Simply the Most Beautiful

Annie Griffiths has the job we all want: She’s a photographer for National Geographic and her assignments have taken her to nearly every inch of the globe. Griffiths served as editor for a stunning, new coffee table book titled Simply Beautiful Photographs.

What makes a beautiful photograph? Annie explains that light, composition and moment are three key elements. Below are some of the photos Annie and Bob talk about in the interview. And information about her non-profit, Ripple Effect Images is here.


One Reply to “Simply the Most Beautiful”

  1. Hello, one of my routines in the morning is listening to the Bob Edwards radio on my way to work. My commute is long enough to get in a 1/2 hour, and listening to all the interesting subjects you have on the show makes the drive very enjoyable. I do photography and listening to you interview Annie Griffiths was great and I am going to purchase her new book Simply Beutiful Photographs.

    Thank you Bob for always having great guests and wonderful show!


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