James Johnson and This I Believe

essayist James JohnsonEach week we’ll hear a new This I Believe essay – today from James Johnson. He spent years duck hunting with his father in southwestern Louisiana. Sitting in a cold blind for hours was no picnic, but Johnson believes the experience helped him become the man he is today – a man willing to face discomfort and accept burdens for those he loves. For the past 35 years, Johnson has been a professor at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. He is still an avid outdoorsman, but does not hunt anymore. Click here to read a transcript and to listen to the audio of his “This I Believe” essay.

Click here for guidelines to write and submit your own statement of beliefs.

Bob will be in Chicago on December 8th for a live taping of This I Believe presented by WBEZ.  We’ll feature Chicagoland essayists reading and discussing their statements of belief, and Bob will talk with This I Believe’s executive director Dan Gediman about the history of the radio series. Click here for tickets and more information


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