Having a 5th (anniversary)

By Bob Edwards 

The Bob Edwards Show is five years old.   Let’s see….261 weekdays a year times five….minus 100 repeat shows….that’s more than 1,200 hours filled by quality conversation with some 2,500 guests.  Those interviews constitute an important historical record when you consider that they include some of the final public comments of Studs Terkel, Wendy Wasserstein, Buck O’Neil, Father Robert Drinan, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. and others who have died.  Archiving all of our shows at the Library of Congress remains a major goal for me.


The show has informed, entertained, educated and enlightened.  It’s an island of civil discourse in a sea of radio rant.  It also has established a place within satellite radio for original journalism, producing radio news documentaries of such quality to merit more than a dozen prestigious awards.


We begin our sixth year with much more to do.   We will continue to celebrate the work of seasoned thinkers, writers and artists while also introducing you to promising newcomers who deserve a wider audience.   Six members of our staff of ten are still too young to run for President—so we don’t miss much that’s new.


We thank the management of Sirius XM radio for giving us a home and supporting us.  We’re grateful to our partners at PRI for keeping us in the public radio world.  And many thanks to you listeners who have been so loyal to the program and have given us a number of great ideas for interviews and special reports.    We hope to celebrate many more anniversaries.


3 Replies to “Having a 5th (anniversary)”

  1. Bob and crew,

    Congratulations on making it a quick five years all the while doing an excellent job and making it look easy.

    Now for the most important sentiment…DON’T EVER STOP! This show is the primary reason I continue to keep my XM subscription. Without this show my morning commute would be filled with the standard drive time drivel that I could never go back to.

    Also, I know all of you make it look easy but I have a good idea of the amount of work that all of you put into this show. Nonetheless, you all have the best jobs in the world but I bet you know that.

    Thank you Bob and team for continuing to produce every outstanding hour of this show. It honestly adds to my quality of life and I am not exaggerating that one bit.


    P.S. Bob Edwards you truly do have the best job in the world. Your ability to interview everybody from heads of state to over-achieving high school kids and everybody in-between with the impeccable craftsmanship and intelligence you bring to your work is for me an absolute joy to listen to every day. Thank you for letting us all come along for the ride….

  2. You’ve been a staple of my mornings and evenings for years and I followed you from public radio to XM. Here’s to great interviews and insights for years to come!

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