Food, Inc. is a documentary directed by Robert Kenner and featuring author and food activist Michael Pollan. They joined Bob to discuss the film which reveals startling realities about the modern industrial food system.
Click here for the movie’s official website.
It should be possible to actually LISTEN to this segment from this page – please stop making it so difficult and time-consuming to find the "listen" links on your site!
As a North Dakota wheat farmer I take issue with the inclusion of wheat with the other two subsidized "food" crops
(soy and corn) as being part of the "problem." Wheat is "People Food" and when grown, milled and baked with the care of
long held culture, it is obvious wheat has INHERENT nutrition. That is, unlike field corn, (including its refined derivative High
Fructose Corn Syrup) wheat is a healthy food.
As a conventional wheat farmer, I use chemical weed control pesticides, there is no other way my operation could produce
such large amounts of high protein wheat for world wide consumption. As for subsidies, go ahead, eliminate them, but then
decouple the price of wheat from the Capitalistic Market Forces and let each country’s government set a price to what it is
intrinsicaly worth to its society. How disruptionaly revolutionary, but if applied across the crop spectrum, would provide a
balance to labor, food safety and nutrition, energy and resource conservation, the ecology and all nation’s food security
(including devloping nations).