
Regular visitors to this site will notice that the look changed a couple of weeks ago. We completely revamped the layout to make the front page a little less busy by changing from mostly left-side navigation to mostly top navigation. This new navigation layout requires a few more clicks to get to some things, but it put an end to what was becoming a seemingly mile-long list of links going down the left side of the page.

In addition to the new look is a new link: Notes.  Because the front page of our site (the blog) is devoted to posts about a particular day’s show, it left us no place to post things that weren’t about the show but were still interesting. Clicking on Notes, takes you to a separate page (powered by the fabulous Tumblr) filled with interesting things from the world beyond our studio. We update it fairly often and we hope you check in regularly to see what the show’s producers find intriguing and worth sharing.

As always, I welcome your feedback on the show and on this web site. Please email us or just comment on this post.

Thanks for reading and listening.


Executive Producer

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