Stetson Kennedy

Stetson Kennedy has spent a lifetime in the service of his country, whether or not his country appreciated it. During the Great Depression, Kennedy collected and documented songs and stories for the Florida Writers’ Project. In the 1940s, he infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan and shared their secrets with the media. He’s published several books, including The Jim Crow Guide, a compendium of discriminatory laws. All of this indicates an unrelenting drive to make the world a better place, to rail against injustice and to celebrate positive cultural traditions. And Kennedy is still at it, through the Stetson Kennedy Foundation. You can read more about Kennedy and his work by clicking the links below.  

4 Replies to “Stetson Kennedy”

  1. What a great program! It is wonderful, to hear Mr. Kennedy’s voice. Those of us who are struggling against the current corporate and government follies take great courage from those who went before us, and who have given us a legacy we must not fail. Things look very bad, indeed, but Mr. Kennedy and those who set such a fine path for us should take heart. All is never lost, no matter how dire things look and are. One of my sons is a career Navy officer and was radiation poisoned in Bus 41’s war. We of Military Families Speak Out are a diverse group who are not as visible or powerful as Stetson or many others, but we are here. Ane we will never stop our efforts for justice and a shift in how this country is going, how it has become. I did not ‘catch’ the phone # Mr. Kennedy offered at the program’s end, and would appreciate receiving that from you. Thanks again for such a great discussion and thanks to Mr. Kennedy for his amazing grace.
    Kate Walsh, Chicago 773-743-1050

  2. The Stetson Kennedy interview was one of the most inspiring interviews that I have heard since coming to teach in the USA from Israel last year. I know that there are those in Israel and the Palestinian Authority who would benefit greatly from such an example as Stetson Kennedy’s struggle to help people worldwide to attain human dignity. In the coming school year I will make sure to expose my students to such a great example of a truly great human being. As the Hebrew saying goes “ad mea ve esrim” (until 120) Mr. Kennedy!

  3. Thank you for the excellent interview. His work and actions should compel us to all speak forth on injustice, May we all "…leave this world a little better for having lived…" much like Mr Kennedy. He reminds us that one voice, one person CAN make a difference!

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