Murrow Award

murrow_award.pngIn October, The Bob Edwards Show will receive an Edward R. Murrow Award from the Radio-Television News Directors Association (RTNDA). It’s a national award for best radio documentary. "The Invisible–Children Without Homes" was superbly produced and written by Ariana Pekary, edited by Steve Lickteig, and recorded by Dan Bloom and Geoffrey Redick. When we make a documentary, everyone on the staff ends up contributing to the effort in one way or another. Last month, "The Invisible" received the New York Festivals/United Nations Gold Award. It also has been honored by the Journalism Center on Children and Families. Receiving an award named after Edward R. Murrow is a special treat. I’m pretty certain this is the first time RTNDA has honored a satellite radio program. All of us on the show are grateful for the continued support of our XM news and programming executives who make it possible for us to produce award-winning programs. All of our special programs are easily accessible for your listening pleasure at this site.  In addition, "The Invisible" will be rebroadcast on Friday, July 4th at 8 AM eastern time on XM Channel 133.

Since RTNDA is honoring us, I’d like to say something about RTNDA, of which I’m a member. Under the leadership of president Barbara Cochran, RTNDA has been a force in breaking down barriers to electronic coverage of news citizens have a right to know. Institutions of all kind—government, commercial, academic and non-profit–often like to operate in the dark.  RTNDA has fought to have cameras and microphones in places where it’s entirely appropriate for them to be.
May RTNDA thrive and prosper.


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