NOTE: This blog entry first appeared in July 2009
by Chad Campbell, Senior Producer
Like so many other things, my wife was right about Michael McDonald too. As a big fan of his music, she thought McDonald would be a great guest for our show and the host agreed. Bob talked with “The Blue-Eyed Soul Singer” for almost an hour about being poked gently but repeatedly by pop culture, growing up in St. Louis, touring with Steely Dan, joining The Doobie Brothers, going solo and about what’s next in Michael McDonald’s career. Sounds like he’ll be doing another Motown-themed CD. The first two were very successful commercially, and personally gratifying to McDonald. And in September, he’ll begin working on a new album with his friend, guitarist Robben Ford.

As a reward for being right…again, my wife Elissa got to go see Michael McDonald perform with Boz Scaggs at Wolftrap, while I stayed home to put the kids to bed. Elissa made lots of movies and emailed lots of photos with her brand new iPhone before, during and after the show. Look to the left to see just one example. It sure looked like everyone was having a great time at the concert.
Click here to visit Michael McDonald’s website.
Click here to see the “Yacht Rock” web videos about the fictionalized history of smooth music as practiced by Michael McDonald, Kenny Loggins, Christopher Cross and The Doobie Brothers in the 1970s and 80s. It can be crass, vulgar and juvenile, but it’s also hilarious if those adjectives happen to describe your sense of humor.
And finally, click here to see “The Making of Peg” video that Bob mentions. You will find it extremely interesting, especially if you’re a fan of Steely Dan or a radio producer or an audio engineer. Michael McDonald’s part comes in the last two minutes of the video.
Is Michael McDonald still married to Amy?