Scott Hicks on Philip Glass

NOTE: This entry appeared originally in April 2009

Scott Hicks interviews artist Chuck Close, while the audio engineer and Philip Glass look on

Filmmaker Scott Hicks got to know Philip Glass professionally when the composer scored some of the music for Hicks’ romantic drama No Reservations in 2007. The two men developed a far more personal relationship during the 18 months Hicks spent filming his documentary about Philip Glass. The result is titled “glass: A Portrait of Philip in 12 Parts.” Hicks had seemingly complete access to his subject, as he followed Glass to visit friends in New York City, to his vacation home in Nova Scotia, to Brooklyn for the first performance of Glass’s Symphony Number 8, to Germany to see the world premiere of his opera “Waiting for the Barbarians.” Hicks also spoke with family members, former wives of Glass — as well as the men who act as his spiritual advisers. Glass has a very involved spiritual life, which borrows heavily from Buddhism, but he also takes what he needs from other belief systems as well.


Click here to visit the Philip Glass website.

Click here to read more about the film and to see the trailer.

Click here for a print interview with filmmaker Scott Hicks.

Click here for video shot by Hicks that did not make it into the film.

Click here to order the documentary on DVD. (Available April 21)

Click here for the soundtrack on CD. (Available April 7)

Artist Chuck Close with his portrait of Philip Glass

Click here to read more about the long-time friend of Philip Glass.

A more contemporary shot of Close and a Glass portrait


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