Bob Edwards Weekend (December 20-21, 2014)


First, we’ll remember longtime CBS News reporter Richard Hottelet.  For years, he was known as the last living “Murrow Boy” – one of the talented group of young men hired by Edward R. Murrow to help report the news of World War Two in Europe. Hottelet died on Wednesday at the age of 97.  He filed his first CBS Radio report during D-Day and was also the only American journalist captured by the Nazis and held prisoner.

Bob talks with Nando Parrado about his book Miracle in the Andes: 72 Days on the Mountain and My Long Trek Home.  Parrado was one of the Uruguayan rugby players whose airplane crashed in the Andes Mountains in 1972. Those who didn’t die in the crash or the subsequent avalanches or the brutal weather conditions did their best to stay warm and eventually resorted to cannibalism to survive until they were rescued on December 23rd .



Bob talks ith Linford Detweiler and Karin Bergquist, the husband and wife musicians from the band Over the Rhine. In a brand new interview, they’ll discuss the holiday-inspired music from their latest CD titled Blood Oranges in the Snow. It’s a concoction they call “Reality Christmas Music.”

Then, we continue our own holiday tradition with Anthony DeCurtis, contributing editor for Rolling Stone. Just in time for your last minute gift shopping needs, he’ll share a list of his favorite music of 2014.


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