Victor Wooten’s Music Lesson

Note: This blog entry originally appeared in May of 2008.


Victor Lemonte Wooten could be the greatest bass player alive. That’s a pretty bold claim  to make, but after listening to Victor’s performance interview on Bob Edwards Weekend, you might become a believer too.

You could say he’s one of a kind, but that wouldn’t exactly be true.  He has his own distinct personality, but Victor is proud to be the youngest of five immensely talented brothers, all of whom play music. The Wootens became a five-piece band when Victor, the youngest of the bunch, got his hands on a bass guitar at 5 years old. The brothers are Victor, Regi, Rudy, Joseph and Roy AKA Future Man.

Victor and Future Man are band mates in the Grammy award winning bluegrass group, Béla Fleck and the Flecktones. That group was initially convened for the sole purpose of playing one gig, a ‘Lonesome Pine Special’ television program in Bob’s hometown of Louisville, Kentucky.

Bob and Victor engage in a wide ranging conversation, discussing music, nature, martial arts and much more.  Interspersed throughout the interview, Victor performs some of his best known songs & arrangements, including: ‘Classical Thump,’ ‘Norwegian Wood,’ ‘The Lesson’ and ‘Amazing Grace.’

Victor has a new album out, its called ‘Palmystery.’

In addition to all his musical endeavors, Wooten has also made his mark with the printed word.  His new book is titled:

 ‘The Music Lesson: A Spiritual Search for Growth Through Music.’

It’s published by Penguin Group (USA).

Victor Wooten’s Official Website
Information on Victor’s tour dates, albums, camps and a lot more.

Special thanks to Howard Wall and Tom Haushalter at Penguin.

-Dan Bloom

Victor performing a song you’ll hear in the interview, ‘Norwegian Wood’

(“”Victor Wooten -…” This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Hudson Music LLC.” –cfs3)

And here’s a link to Victor busting a move — and that move is the windmill.

10 Replies to “Victor Wooten’s Music Lesson”

  1. I tried watching the video but it said that it was blocked buy hudson music or something like that. It's great when an artist embraces music in a way that can touch so many people. I mean look at what it did to that truck driver in one of the other comments above. The guy had to pull over from being so struck by the music. Keep on truckin dude! And Wooten, post some videos that we can actually watch! I think I'll try you tube next for some other video content to watch.

  2. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Victor a couple of times. As a fellow bass player and musician, I find him stunning. But even better – and far more important – is what a tremendous human being he is. Victor is a phenomenal spokesman for the community of musicians, and it always makes me feel great when I see him get mainstream recognition.

  3. im a truck driver .when i herd vic play amazing grace i freakin started cryin (no lie) while i was driving through flaggstaff az. i had to pull my rig over cause i started thinkin about my desesed mother whom i never got a chance to say goodby to due to my incarceration. that solo was the bomb. please post it on the site if possible.

    rodger wilson

  4. I heard this interview. I saw Victor play in Baltimore once. This is the most insightful person I’ve ever heard. We need more men like him. God has blessed us all with his presence. Thank you, Victor.

  5. I was also lucky enough to catch the interview and I must say I was so inspired and motivated. I definitely plan to support Mr. Wooten as well as this show. Thanks for putting on quality entertainment.

  6. good grief…and then some. having spent 2 restful days "up the coast" i had driven up to grant park (overlooking "fabuloso" ventura, calif.) and happened upon the bob edwards interview. just plain wow! i was informed, inspired and extremely pleased with the "interview experience." ’twas infinitely more than the dry question/answer format we are too often exposed to/trapped by. this was indeed special. and then to hear mr. wooten’s "take" on being natural. whew! it was such a relief from the complicated and contrived explanations we often get re human creativity. his understanding of the process is so "right on." i wish i had thought of something so beautiful when my 5 (now fully adult) children were growing up. they did, however, receive more than their share of treks to the angeles national forest just outside l.a. anyway, i do plan to purchase mr. wooten’s book and cd. again, wow! what a gem, a jewel..a relief. thanks much to ALL involved.

    bobowen/los angeles

  7. Oh my God what a moving interview I happened upon on
    Saturday..I’m a professional singer and Event decor designer
    Mr. Wooten statement about thanking his guitor.was dead on has it relates to what we consister alive or dead.


  8. I heard most of Bob Edwards’ interview with Victor Wooten. I’ve been familiar with Mr. Wooten’s incredible musical prowess for years. Up until now, however, I wasn’t aware that he was so involved in education. The discussion and the music were fascinating!

    Thoughtful, intelligent, and insightful as usual, Bob Edwards, in a few fleeting minutes, got to the very heart of what makes a great man and musician tick.

    To cap things off, Wooten’s solo bass rendition of "Amazing Grace" induced goosebumps. Simply astounding!

    What a great interview! All radio should be so compelling, enlightening, and entertaining!

    Bravo….and thank you, Mr. Edwards!!!!

  9. I also caught part ofthe interview and was inspired. I will be purchasing this book for my son’s music teachers and for myself,as well as the CD. I believe in the healing power that music provides! My husband introduced me to the Flectones with the"One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest" album. It is a pleasure to listen to the music on that album!! Thank you for the inspiration!!

  10. I just happened to be lucky enough to catch Bob’s interview with Victor Wooten. What a lift it gave my day! Victor is so easy to listen to, so full of appreciation for life and the big gifts it holds in such little ways. He and Bob were so comfortable in the interview I felt like I was eavesdropping. Yep, Victor, I have ordered the new book,"The Music Lesson", and hope to share it with lots of people. My grandchildren are all budding musicians and I hope to read them parts of the book…..Hey, how about a children’s book with the same wonderful approach?

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