Wind from the Sea, 1947 National Gallery of ArtThe National Gallery of Art’s exhibition Andrew Wyeth: Looking Out, Looking In is on view until November 30, 2014 in Washington DC.
This painting, Wind from the Sea, was painted in the Olson house in Cushing, Maine, where Andrew and his wife Besty summered for most of their lives. The home is now a national heritage site, and is part of the Farnsworth Art Musuem, which has a large Wyeth collection.
Spring Fed, 1967, The National Gallery of Art If you are in the DC area and want to see more of Andrew Wyeth’s work, as well as illustrations by his father, N.C. Wyeth, head north east to theBrandywine River Musuem. The musuem houses original works by three generations of Wyeth artists, and visitors can tour N.C.’s studio, as well as the Kuerner farm, where Andrew painted Spring Fed.