Here Is Where

— Cristy Meiners, producer

A few weeks ago, Bob handed me an article from The Washington Post about a former slave named Philip Reid.  Reid was instrumental in helping to cast the bronze statue that stands atop the U.S. Capitol dome, but, like so many slaves, his story has largely been forgotten.  Enter Andrew Carroll, founder of Here Is Where, a volunteer program dedicated to locating and marking unmarked historical sites.

Carroll, Bob’s guest on today’s program, worked to insure that Reid’s story is remembered, and now, thanks to his efforts, there is a historical marker at the National Harmony Memorial Park in Hyattsville, MD, near Reid’s remains.  Reid’s marker is just one of many important, now-forgotten stories from America’s history that Carroll has brought to light.  He details his experiences traveling through the country in his book Here Is Where: Discovering America’s Great Forgotten History, which is now available in paperback.

Carroll is also the founder of The Legacy Project, which collects and archives war-time correspondence.  For more information go to

One Reply to “Here Is Where”

  1. I listened attentively to your recent guest Andrew Carroll when I heard him mispronounce, misquote Sojourner Truth's name as "Soldier" Truth. I was perplexed and flafferghasted when I heard Andrew Carroll, an accomoplished author make such a blatant faux pas. I am well aware of the Carroll family's prominent early 'Catholic' history in the Virginia-Maryland area; But, apparently this Carroll has not taken advantage of the famous Jesuit Educational system.
    Andrew Carroll should hit the history books all over again. Afterall, he stated in the interview that He hated history when he was young…

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