This Weekend’s Program (Dec 14-15, 2013)

December 14-15, 2013


Doyle McManus, Washington columnist for the Los Angeles Times, joins Bob to discuss the latest political news.
Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Doris Kearns Goodwin examines how a brutal fight for the presidential nomination destroyed a friendship in her book The Bully Pulpit: Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and the Golden Age of Journalism.
Then, the latest installment of our ongoing series This I Believe.
Teller is best-known as one half of the famous Vegas magic duo Penn & Teller.  But recently, Teller tried his hand at a different form of illusion: film.  Directing the documentary Tim’s Vermeer, Teller tells the remarkable story of a Texas man who sets out to explain how 17th century Dutch master Johannes Vermeer created photo-realistic works over 100 years before the invention of photography.
Lily and Madeleine Jurkiewicz are teenaged sisters from Indiana who just released their debut, full length CD. They join Bob in our performance studio to discuss the beginning of their music career and to play a few songs from their self-titled album Lily & Madeleine.

Bob Edwards Weekend airs on Sirius XM Public Radio (XM 121, Sirius 205) Saturdays from 8-10 AM ET.

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