by Dan Bloom, producer
Last night, our host Bob Edwards and former producer Ariana Pekary received the annual award for radio journalism given by the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights for our documentary “An ‘Occupational Hazard’: Rape In The Military.” Needless to say, the entire staff are thrilled at this great prize, and Bob gave a quote that expresses our collective feelings:
“We are deeply honored to receive an award bearing the name of such a crusader for justice.”
Here is a picture of Bob and Ariana with Kerry Kennedy, President of the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights, and daughter of Robert and Ethel Kennedy:
Ariana Pekary, Kerry Kennedy, Bob Edwards
Here is Bob with the award in our office:
“Bob with Bobby”
We thank the RFK Center, Ariana for her tireless and heartfelt work, and all the victims, families and advocates, including Congresswoman Jackie Speier, who spoke with us about the crucial issue of military rape.
Read the original blog entry about the piece, here. Hear the award-winning program here:
An Occupational Hazard: Rape in the Military by The Bob Edwards Show on Mixcloud