A Half-Century of Hope


by Kimberly Dawson, producer

What does it say when the first African American President of the United States stands in the same place as the leading figure of the civil rights movement? Today, most of America will watch Pres. Obama give a speech at the Lincoln memorial just as Dr. King did 50 years ago. Many of the organizations that were present then continue their work to advance American civil rights today… and so do the people.  Their half-century of hope, along with the hope of our country, are present at the edge of the reflecting pool and our show.

Deeply Rooted: Commemorating the Civil Rights Movement continues with conversations on activism and  voting rights with the NAACP’s Jotaka Eady and Southern Christian Leadership Conference President Dr. C.T. Vivian. Dr. Vivian’s participation in the civil rights movement was recently honored by Pres. Obama. He and Bayard Rustin, another leader of the civil rights movement, were awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Rustin and Vivian believe the work of the civil rights movement will continue with America’s future generations. In their honor, we also speak with hip hop artist and activist Talib Kweli. Kweli took his political enthusiasm and celebrity down to Florida to help the Dream Defenders, a civil rights organization working to eliminate Florida’s stand your ground law. We’ll also speak with “This I Believe” essayist  Bonita Porter. Porter was 11 years old when she attended the march 50 years ago.

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