by Ariana Pekary, producer
The world needs more people like Amy Krouse Rosenthal.
If you’re ever tired of the bickering on TV — or in politics, or at work, or at home, or between drivers on the road — just pull up one of Amy’s videos and that aggravation will almost certainly be cured. She has a special knack for bringing people together, to bring out the best in us. Her ideas are simple — some might call them elementary — but they have the unique ability to resonate even among the most sophisticated of observers. Amy can find a positive bond between people in a way that almost makes you think that the world doesn’t really need more people like Amy — that we all already are like Amy. Almost.
Amy also makes books, for big people and small, and you can find her most recent children’s book, Wumbers, on Amazon, as well as her “so-called memoir,” Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life. Here are some of her videos, starting with the first, “17 Things I Made.”
The Beckoning of Lovely
The Money Tree
Going Nowhere Fast Together
Life Is a Marathon
Bookmark these. You might find a time when you will need them in the future.
Way to go Ariana!
It was a nice way to start my day–loved it!
Thank you.