Editorial Cartoonists

Matt Wuerker

It’s no secret that we are getting our current events, political opinions, and plan old news in very different ways than we did just 10 or 15 years ago.  As goes the print news world, so goes their staff editorial cartoonists, or so says the Herb Block Report on Editorial Cartooning released last year. The Herb Block Foundation– named for and funded posthumously by the superb Washington Post cartoonist Herblock– titled their report “The Golden Age for Political Cartoonists at Our Nation’s Newspapers is Over.”   But Pulitzer prize-winning editorial cartoonists Ann Telnaes and Matt Wuerkertold Bob in our interview that it would have been more accurate to call the report “the Golden Age for Political Cartoonists at Our Nation’s PRINT Newspapers is Over.” Wuerker is the staff cartoonist for Politicoand winner of this year’s Pulitzer Prize, and Telnaes is an editorial cartoonist with The Washington Post and syndicated by the Cartoonists Group; she won her Pulitzer in 2001.  Starting today through September 15th, the two of them will gather with fellow editorial cartoonist in Washington DC for the annual convention of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists. Wuerker serves as this year’s host.

Ann Telnaes

Read the Herb Block Report on Editorial Cartooning

And learn more about this year’s Association of American Editorial Cartoonists’s convention

Ann Telnaes creates animated cartoons for The Washington Post, using real audio from politicans.  Check them out.

And to watch a short video showing just how Telnaes animates her editorial cartoons, click right here.

Matt Wuerker

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