The People’s Pharmacy on Avoiding Medical Mistakes

by Chad Campbell, senior producer

Joe and Terry Graedon were on our program recently for their book of home remedies collected from the listeners of their public radio show and from the readers of their syndicated newspaper column. Now the husband and wife team are back to talk with Bob about their latest book titled Top Screwups Doctors Make and How to Avoid Them. It’s estimated that half a million Americans die every year due to avoidable medical mistakes. That puts healthcare very close to heart disease and cancer as our leading causes of death. The Graedons were unable to keep Joe’s own mother safe during a hospital visit for an angioplasty. She died after a drug interaction and a fall. Their new book is full of tips and questions you should ask of healthcare providers to make sure you or a loved one doesn’t get the wrong drug or suffer a deadly misdiagnosis.


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