Sudie Bond Noland and This I Believe

essayist Sudie Bond Noland

First Bob talks with Dan Gediman, executive director of This I Believe, about his new book. The latest is a collection of essays called This I Believe: Life Lessons. It includes this week’s essay from Sudie Bond Noland. For years, she has had chronic pain from injuries she suffered in an auto accident. Despite some anger towards the drunk driver who caused the crash, Noland eventually found closure by offering the driver her compassion and forgiveness. Raised in Sarasota, Florida, Sudie Bond Noland currently lives in Portland, Oregon. Her accident and recovery have propelled her on a personal healing journey and awakened her own calling as a healer. Noland is about to start her own practice as a Reiki Master and begin schooling for a master’s degree in Chinese Medicine.

Click here to read a transcript and to listen to her essay.

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