This Weekend’s Show

Bob Edwards Weekend Highlights – February 19-20, 2011




For 50 years, Amnesty International has been working to draw attention to human rights abuses around the world and demand justice for those whose rights have been violated. To coincide with the 50th anniversary of the organization’s founding, Amnesty International has released Freedom. The book is a collection of thirty short stories, each a reflection on one of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  Larry Cox, Executive Director of Amnesty International USA talks with Bob about the organization’s history, accomplishments and future.


In this week’s installment of our ongoing series This I Believe, we hear the essay of Savannah Lengsfelder.  She came to Washington DC as a Congressional assistant, expecting to be repulsed by an up-close view of government at work. Instead, she grew to appreciate the work of elected representatives, and the diversity of ideologies. Lengsfelder is now a law student working in South Africa on human rights cases.






No one has a voice like Ken Nordine, and there’s nothing quite like Word Jazz, the audio art he created. It mixes atmospheric sound effects, free-form jazz and Nordine’s unique rumbling bass voice, pondering philosophical questions, plumbing the depths of his id, or simply wondering what’s in the fridge. In December, Bob visited the 90 year-old Nordine at his house in Chicago, which he’s lived in for more than half a century. We’ll tour his home studio and hear about his early days in radio, collaborations with The Grateful Dead and Tom Waits, and how he created Word Jazz.




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