Dan Gediman and This I Believe: On Love

One of the wonderful aspects of This I Believe is the chance to live in someone else’s world for a few minutes. Each of us exeriences life differently, and we all learn different lessons from the challenges we face. But there are certain universal emotions and ideas, and the new collection of This I Believe essays explores the most important: love. There are sixty essays, and the book is a deceptively fast read. The text may go by quickly, but the power of the personal stories, the slow build-up of heartbreaking and hopeful moments in time, stays with you. You find yourself going over this essay or that one, again and again in your mind. Faced with a similar situation, you recall a helpful line or two. This I Believe shows that even in a vast country of fractured politics and disparate incomes, community is possible. And what coud be more comforting than a community of love?

You can order This I Believe: On Love here.

And click here for suggestions about writing your own essay for This I Believe.

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