Dan Gediman, Will Durant and This I Believe

Each week Bob is joined by Dan Gediman, the Executive Director of  This I Believe, Inc. to discuss one of the original essays from the 1950s radio series. This week’s featured essay is by Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and philosopher Will Durant. He spent much of his life chronicling human civilization and believed that our highest virtues are those that promote survival of the group over the individual. Durant, a one-time socialist, says too much liberty can be a dangerous thing. Durant spent nearly 50 years writing his 11-volume work “The History of Civilization.” Click here to read a transcript and to listen to the audio of his “This I Believe” essay.

And here’s a link to purchase the latest collection of the original 1950’s essays, edited by Dan Gediman.

Edward R. Murrow’s This I Believe

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