Wednesday’s Show

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Do you often honk at other drivers or think rude gestures are a good way to teach people better driving etiquette? Writer Tom Vanderbilt’s book Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (And What It Says About Us) examines traffic patterns and driving behavior to better understand our individual and collective psyche. A New York Times Notable Book for 2008,Traffici s now out in paperback. Then, singer-musician Judith Edelman started touring with the bluegrass band, Ryestraw. She later started her own band and they played in concert halls, festivals and clubs across the country and the U.K.She released three albums, 1996’s “Perfect World,” 1998’s “Only Sun” and 2000’s “Drama Queen.”After a hiatus of nine years, Edelman returns with her latest album, “Clear Glass Jar.”

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