Bob Edwards Weekend Highlights – August 1-2, 2009



Wendell Potter was an executive with the insurance company Cigna for almost 20 years. Now, he’s speaking out against the insurance industry. Several weeks ago, Potter testified in front of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation about what he sees as an industry corrupted by Wall Street greed and investor expectations. 


In this week’s installment of our ongoing series This I Believe, Bob talks with executive director Dan Gediman about the essay from Eleanor Roosevelt. She was the wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt, was active in Democratic politics and helped shape her husband’s New Deal programs. Considered one of the most active and influential first ladies in U.S. history, Roosevelt advocated for racial equality, women’s rights and world peace. 




Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno have made a career out of humiliating greedy corporations and corrupt government agencies that they feel dishonor human life. Their exploits are documented in a new film called The Yes Men Fix the World. The documentary has won standing ovations and audience awards at festivals across the country and it’s airing this weekend on HBO.


One night in 2001, aspiring actor Charlie Todd was out with his friends at a Greenwich Village bar when they decided to pretend that Charlie was the famous but rarely recognized musician Ben Folds. After an evening of signing autographs and getting free drinks, Todd realized New York City was the ultimate stage for his craft and from there dreamed up his group Improv Everywhere. Now eight years old, Improv Everywhere continues to live up to its mission statement: “we cause scenes.” Founder Charlie Todd and fellow agent Alex Scordellis recount their finest missions in the new book Causing a Scene: Extraordinary Pranks in Ordinary Places with Improv Everywhere.




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