Michael Lewis on the “Home Game” of Fatherhood

Happy Father’s Day weekend everyone. As the perpetually exhausted father of two children myself, I have certainly felt the way Michael Lewis looks in this photo. (He’s the one in mid-yawn – along with infant son Walker and daughters Quinn and Dixie). Of course I’ve never been awakened by an earthquake as the Lewis family was in this middle-of-the-night photo, but the rest of the subject matter in his new book rings true to my experiences and it’s presented hilariously by Lewis. The essays in Home Game: An Accidental Guide to Fatherhood are taken from the journals that Lewis kept after the births of each child. He says he wanted to accurately preserve the highs AND the lows of being a dad, so he wouldn’t sentimentalize the good stuff and forget the bad stuff.
Weather permitting this Father’s Day, I plan to play and win a softball game (my wife Elissa is also on the team. So is Bob, but he’s been on the disabled list all season), grill some hot dogs in my backyard, take a nap in my hammock, listen to the award-winning and always enjoyable Bob Edwards Weekend on the radio and of course spend some quality time with Abby and Nick. Maybe we’ll even go for a wagon ride around the neighborhood.

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