Space Food … The Final Frontier

Bob becomes one with his “Mexican” space eggs, thanks to NASA food scientist Michelle Perchonok (photo by Taylor Barnes)

Did Bob REALLY think he would not have to sample the space food being prepared by NASA food scientist Michelle Perchonok in our studio? We’re glad he did, but unsure how he ultimately felt about the experience. I think he’s glad that he’s not an astronaut. Bob started with the warm, “pre-chewed” cherry-blueberry cobbler. Then he moved on to the under-seasoned beef stew and finished off his meal with the “Mexican” scrambled eggs. Coincidence or not, that was also the order in which he enjoyed the dishes. The cobbler was a smashing success he says, compared with the freeze-dried, reconstituted space eggs.

Click here to see the rest of the taste-testing photos.

– Chad

One Reply to “Space Food … The Final Frontier”

  1. I just caught the end of the discussion with the gentlemen who was adamant about there being no extraterrestrial activity or exchange with ET’s. As a journalist and member of the Parapsychology Institute at West Georgia, I had the privilege of dining with Marcel Vogel, one of the now deceased Vice Presidents of General Electric. He was the one who first began using crystals to communicate with plants. Marcel showed me a snapshot of the space ship with which he had been communicating.

    The fractal patterns that appear in the fields of England are formulas for alternative energy and other important scientific information. They are not earthly generated. I have several stories to prove that they are coming from ET’s.

    The government has done a very thorough job of preventing the public from any knowledge of Extra Terrestrial activity. There are thousands of incidences recorded that have been systematically denied and people’s lives are being threatened to keep them contained. The question is: Why does the government perpetuate this ridiculous cover up. They are the only ones who believe their lies.

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