Jeff Campbell and Hungry for Music

First off, Jeff Campbell and I share a last name and Louisiana as our home state, but we are not related.  I first met him about 10 years ago while playing along with Bob Edwards on the NPR softball team. Bob was the full-time manager and part-time catcher, I was a weak-hitting third baseman and Jeff was a big outfielder who hit more than a few home runs. He continues hitting home runs today with his non-profit organization called Hungry for Music. Its goal is to provide musical instruments to under-privileged children across the country and around the world.  He funds this work through donations — and through the sales of Diamond Cuts, the compilations of baseball-related CDs that he produces.  Jeff has two CDs available now to take your mind off the sport’s current steroids mess and to get you ready for spring training (games in Florida and Arizona start on Wednesday!). Volume 10 is called “Extra Innings” and Volume 11 celebrates the 100th anniversary of baseball’s greatest song ever with 31 different versions of “Take Me Out to the Ball Game.”



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