Trouble the Water



**Update: Trouble the Water is a nominee for the 2009 Academy Award for Documentary Feature. Today, we revisit Bob’s conversation with flilmmakers Tia Lessin & Carl Deal. Here is the original journal entry from last September, written by producer Geoffrey Redick:


For me, Trouble the Water is not really a documentary about Katrina the hurricane. It’s not about breeched levees or the ruined Superdome. Instead, it’s a fiercely personal and honest portrait of a young couple trying to turn their lives around. Filmmakers Tia Lessin and Carl Deal followed Kim and Scott Roberts through the aftermath of Katrina. Kim and Scott lived in the Ninth Ward, and the storm hit them hard, just like it did everyone in that neighborhood. But for all they lost, Kim and Scott survived, and when they realize that themselves, it’s an amazing moment. They think about how they were living their lives, what they’d like to change, how they’d like to start over. Trouble the Water does a good job of portraying the ridiculous governmental negligence and bureaucracy after Katrina, but what it does best is tell this human story. And as you watch, you can’t help but ask yourself, would I have the strength of character to see the positive side of that personal tragedy? Heck, would I have even been smart enough to figure out how to escape a forgotten, flooded city?


– Geoffrey Redick, producer


Link to Kimberly and Scott Roberts’ record label, Born Hustler:


And here’s a link to Trouble the Water’s website:

One Reply to “Trouble the Water”

  1. Kim and Scott, Tia and Karl, just wanted to say that I enjoyed listening to your story and will view the film. It still seems impossible to believe that the US Govt. failed the people of New Orleans so utterly. The interview reminded me though that America is rich in people who can reconstruct homes, cities, and democracy too.

    Best of luck.

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