Joan Baez

There are a few people in the world outside of my family I truly admire. Joan Baez is one of them. She has stayed true to her convictions and her beliefs despite threats during some of her more courageous protests. Her ability to remain topical through out her 50 years of performing is a feat that should be admired on its own. 

I have been a fan of Joan Baez since as long as I can remember. Songs like “Geordie,” “We Shall Overcome” and “Farewell Angelina” have punctuated my musical play lists throughout my life, so when the opportunity arose for me to produce this interview, I jumped. Ms. Baez has the ability to transcend generational gaps and remain in touch with her fans in all age groups and her latest effort is no different. Day After Tomorrow is an album that returns to her classic folk roots with a twinge of modernity thanks to producer Steve Earle. The album touches on so many different emotions that no matter your musical tastes or political beliefs, there’s something there for everyone. 

Day After Tomorrow was released on September 9th.

For more information on Baez, and to see her tour schedule go to her Web site.

-Taylor Barnes (the intern)


One Reply to “Joan Baez”

  1. What a wonderful interview – I immediately ran out and bought her CD and am listening right now. Thank you so much for the goosebumps. I’ve adored Joan since long ago when I started listening to music …I am 53 now and miss the "old days" of music some – it’s wonderful to have another series of songs from one of my favorite artists on the planet.

    Thanks again!

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