
I love my job, but it’s only the second best job I’ve ever had. One year back in the 60’s when I was still in college, I delivered flowers on Mother’s Day. What a deal!   Every mom on my route was happy to see me at her door—thrilled that someone remembered. Consequently, I made lots in tips. And I got to drive a truck! 

We love our moms on The Bob Edwards Show.  This is my third Mother’s Day without mine, and very sadly, the first for Ed McNulty without his.  Andy Danyo spent many weeks early in the year nursing her mom back to health.  So far this year I’ve met the moms of Cristy Meiners, Chad Campbell and Ariana Pekary.   Three of us are married to moms—so it’s a special day for Sharon Edwards, Elissa Rumsey and Sheila Redick.  Only one of us, however, is an actual mom.   Shelley Tillman has a daughter at home and a son on the way—yet she’s still weeks away from qualifying for one of the special parking spots that XM reserves for expectant female employees.
Happy Mother’s Day to all you moms out there.

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