Look Left

1322062-1425317-thumbnail.jpgThere are few new things over on the left side of this page. First of all, thanks to our #1 fan, Charlie Summers, there is now an even easier way to access the Bob Edwards Weekend podcast (which is FREE….the daily show is NOT). Just click on "Weekend Podcast" and then click on the "Download" button to go to a page designed by Charlie that allows you to either download every podcast we’ve produced, subscribe to the weekly feed or just listen right there on the spot.  Thanks, Charlie, for creating an even easier way for our listeners to hear Bob Edwards Weekend.

Also on the left is a page called "Links." It lists all kinds of places Bob can be found on the Web as well as links to the folks who keep our daily and weekend shows going: XM and PRI. 

If you think there is something else we should link to (your own Bob fan page, perhaps?), drop us a note and we’ll look in to adding it to the site.


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